Posts Tagged ‘Proven Winners’
Clematis, Salvia, Coral Bark Maple and Deer Repellant
Clematis ‘Stand By Me’ This is a striking blue flowered bush Clematis. It only grows to 38”. ‘Stand By Me’ peak bloom time is May and June, although there is some re-bloom during summer months. After it is finished blooming, attractive cream thread-like seed heads draw the eye. Broad, green foliage completes the package of…
Read MoreRemarkable perennials, annuals, flowering vines and bulbs
Actaea pachypoda ‘Misty Blue’ This Northeast native perennial creates waves in shade gardens. It has always been one that folks ask about in my display gardens. The steely blue, lacey leaves provide an impressive backdrop to white fuzzy flowers that appear in late Spring. These flowers develop into panicles of showy white fruits (“doll’s eyes”)…
Read MoreA Gorgeous Noninvasive Buckthorn
Rhamnus frangula ‘Fine Line’ I love this noninvasive Buckthorn. I’ve designed with it in the landscape as well as containers. I took this picture while speaking at New England Grows (Boston) the other day. I had forgotten how stunning the needle-like foliage looks in fall! The semi-evergreen green leaves turn a blazing golden-yellow as temperatures…
Read MoreThis Honey of a Plant will Surprise You!
Get ready to jump out of the way! Earlier this summer I helped my sister with a new garden in front of her farm house located near me in Kennebunk. This garden faces directly south. I took this picture shortly after we planted it. I was ASTOUNDED by how quickly Supertunia ‘Honey’ created a lush…
Read MoreProven Winners Grand Garden Show
There truly is nothing like the Grand Garden Show at The Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island in northern Michigan. Combine a remarkable, first-rate garden symposium, with escorted tours of magnificent private gardens all taking place in an idyllic island setting with no cars (only horse-drawn carriages and bicycles) and POOF…. You have a one-of-a-kind experience.…
Read MoreSupertunia Lovie Dovie
Supertunia ‘Lovie Dovie’ I have found a new love. Supertunia ‘Lovie Dovie’ has exceeded my wildest dreams for non-stop, flashy color that needs little input from me. I potted it up in May, added some slow release organic fertilizer (Espoma Plant-tone) and went on with my business. Other than providing water as needed, (it is…
Read MoreGorgeous Flowering Shrubs with No Deer Damage
I have the special honor and opportunity to evaluate plants that are either new to the retail market or will be released in the upcoming year. I was tickled pink last week when two huge boxes from Santa Clause (Proven Winners and Spring Meadow Nursery, a wholesale grower) landed on my front porch. Inside were…
Read MoreTwo Over-the-Top Flower Gardening Programs
Sunday, August 27 from 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.: Exclusive kick-off seminar for The Grand Garden Show presented by Proven Winners. The program takes place at The Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan. Please join me for an inspirational class featuring two of my most popular presentations: Design Tips for High-Impact, Low-Maintenance Flower Gardens and Three…
Read MoreCeanothus Marie Bleu
Ceanothus ‘Marie Bleu’ (New Jersey Tea) I recently discovered this mesmerizing spring flowering shrub. Caenothus ‘Marie Bleu’ has masses of soft blue flowers that are followed by glossy red seed heads in late summer. It grows to 24” to 36” tall and prefers sun to part sun. ‘Marie Bleu’ is drought tolerant and flowers on…
Read MoreSupertunia Really Red
Supertunia ‘Really Red’ This petunia is a showboat, and I love it! The bold, REALLY red flowers are large and numerous. This is a new Supertunia from Proven Winners. I first saw it last winter from across an exhibit hall at a green industry trade. I just planted a sweep of ‘Really Red’ in front…
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