Garden Design Class for Small Spaces

I am excited to be teaching a new, 2-hour class on how to create a spectacular garden in smaller spaces.  I will be sharing easy to apply design and accessory tips, as well as featuring perennials, flowering shrubs, evergreens, annuals and other smaller scale plants that make BIG impressions.Many of the recommended plants and recommendations…

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Over the Top Container Designs

I have become increasingly interested in creating head-turning containers since moving to our condominium in Maine four years ago. Gardening space is at a premium. Containers of all sizes and shapes decorate my front deck, side porch, entrance sidewalk and spots in the landscape where it is impossible to dig in the ground. Many of…

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Super Discount Offer at Gardener’s Supply Company

I am ecstatic to share that my great friends at Gardener’s Supply Company in Burlington, Vermont are once again extending a special offer to friends of Perennially Yours. Save 20% on online orders, including clearance, with the discount code PYOURS17. This special discount is good through 2017. I have bought so many fantastic items with…

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Cover Make-Up Garden Design Tip

Don’t you hate eyesores that desperately need ‘a blemish cover-up’ but because of the location or homeowner association rules, permanent structures or in-ground planting are not allowed? GRRRR. In my case, I have ugly meters on the side of my condominium garage that stand out like sore thumbs. They are within 18” of the sidewalk…

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