Cover Make-Up Garden Design Tip
Don’t you hate eyesores that desperately need ‘a blemish cover-up’ but because of the location or homeowner association rules, permanent structures or in-ground planting are not allowed? GRRRR. In my case, I have ugly meters on the side of my condominium garage that stand out like sore thumbs. They are within 18” of the sidewalk to my front door.
One day as I was assembling containers I had an idea. Why not hide these uglies up with a tall (32”), elegant, solar-powered pot from Gardener’s Supply Company? I combined a number of plants I had in inventory – Coleus, Coreopsis ‘Mercury Rising’ (perennial), Torenia ‘Large Blue’ and Licorice plant (Helichrysum) ‘Limelight’. Then I placed the narrow lightweight container in front of the meter and gave a sigh of relief. Better.
And the colorful camouflage continues into the night as the container lights up with warm colors for six or more hours. The pot can even be left out in the winter for holiday decor! Next year I’m planning on using taller ‘thriller’ plants to totally cover the meters. A few of the many choices I’m considering are Egyptian Papyrus ‘King Tut’ (4’-6’), Purple Fountain Grass ‘Rubrum’ (3’) and Panicum ‘Cheyenne Sky’ (perennial, 3’).