Perennially Yours Blog
(Please note: Webinars are copyrighted for personal use only. I am available for speaking engagements)
Read MoreI discovered this amazing, nutrient-rich, weed-smothering mulch after I moved to Maine. Coastal Maine Botanical Garden has been using it with great results. Nutri-Mulch has a rich dark color that doesn’t fade like many other mulches. Nutri-Mulch is one of the great earthlife products produced by Casella organics. Click here for more information about Nutri-Mulch.…
Read MoreI was thrilled to read George Weigel’s book review on my latest book, The Budget-Wise Gardener. Weigel wrote this feature for PennLive, a leading local news and information website in central Pennsylvania. Weigel’s article titled 14 Ways to Stretch Your Plant Budget, spotlights some of the hundreds of ideas I share for making your gardening…
Read MoreCheck out the summer issue of Country Gardens magazine for my article, Standout Gardens on Autopilot. This article is based on my third book, The Right-Size Flower Garden. The feature includes some photos of my garden as well as design plan for the garden in front of my condominium in Kennebunk, ME.
Read MoreThe 14th Great Gardens and Landscaping Symposium was another home run. There were 216 attendees from 12 states. Attendees came from all of New England as well as New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Washington and Nova Scotia. Please save April 12 & 13 for the 2019 symposium that will once again…
Read MoreSeed libraries are sprouting all over the country. These fantastic resources encourage gardeners of all ages and abilities, from rural to urban areas, to ‘check out’ seed at no cost. At the end of the growing season, library members simply ‘check back in’ seeds from their harvest. Seed inventory ranges by location, but edible plants…
Read MoreEstablished in Portland, Maine in 2014, ARTS partners with other trial sites across the county to test roses for exceptional hardiness, disease resistance, drought tolerance, adaptability to different soils, and not requiring synthetic chemicals that many other roses need to look their best. The program identifies the best roses for 9 different climate zones in…
Read MoreThere are a number of factors that impact soil health and a plant’s ability to thrive. Soil pH is one of these. Nutrients important to a plant’s growth become available or unavailable depending on the soil’s pH level. To learn more, check out this partial excerpt from my book, The Ultimate Flower Gardener’s Top Ten…
Read MoreIt’s another exciting page turner in my life. As of this month, I have accepted a full time, year-round position at Estabrook’s Garden Center and Nursery, providing marketing and sales support; insights to new and trending plant material and sustainable gardening practices; residential design consultations (within 25 miles of the nursery); and overseeing other services…
Read MoreEpimedium grandiflorum ‘Bicolor Giant’ I was giggling in delight when I purchased this drought tolerant, work horse, shade-loving perennial from Garden Vision Epimediums, one of the Gardeners Marketplace vendors at the 14th Great Gardens and Landscaping Symposium. The gorgeous flowers are large and bi-color, and the leaves are super-sized as well, making it easier to…
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