Posts Tagged ‘spring blooming phlox’
After a long cold winter, gardeners are starved for color in the garden. Spring blooming Phlox is one of the first perennials to greet us with colorful flowers. When I mention spring blooming Phlox, most people think of Phlox subulata, commonly called Creeping Phlox. But there are other fantastic Phlox that are just as effective…
Read MoreEnkianthus and Phlox ‘Violet Pinwheels’
Enkianthus campanulatus This lovely flowering shrub, commonly called redvein enkianthus, deserves more attention. It has charming white, creamy-yellow, whitish-pink, or pink nodding flowers in spring. A slow-growing shrub, Enkianthus can range in height from 6’ to 15’, depending on the variety. All are acid loving shrubs, similar to Rhododendrons and Azaleas. I planted a pure…
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