There is a tried and true saying in the gardening world: Don’t put a $5 plant in a $1 hole; put a $1 plant in a $5 hole. Actually, this sentence doesn’t tell the whole story. The reality is you will save a lot more money on plant purchases over a much greater period if…

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Time for a soil pH test?

There are a number of factors that impact soil health and a plant’s ability to thrive. Soil pH is one of these. Nutrients important to a plant’s growth become available or unavailable depending on the soil’s pH level. To learn more, check out this partial excerpt from my book, The Ultimate Flower Gardener’s Top Ten…

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Act Now for Rich Blue Hydrangeas Next Year

There is something about full-flowered, rich blue Hydrangea blooms that sets your heart a’flutter. Maybe this only happens to those of us in colder zones (6 or lower) that find it so rare to have ANY flowers on our bigleaf Hydrangeas (pictured – Hydrangea macrophylla CITYLINE ‘Venice’). Let’s face the brutal facts. ALL bigleaf hydrangeas…

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Demstyfiing Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are the number one googled flowering shrub on the internet. I’m not surprised, given their captivating beauty, but also because of the confusion that prevails concerning their care and pruning. No wonder my PowerPoint on Growing Honkin’ Hydrangeas is so popular. But a helpful resource available right now at your fingertips is on Espoma’s…

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