Stop Deer in Their Tracks!

Spring is a joyful time for gardeners as we begin a new season in our flower and vegetable gardens.   Each day brings new delights as we watch tender new growth emerge from winter dormant plants or from seed.  Then the nightmare begins.  We are devastated to see plants chewed or sheared to the ground.  We…

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Protect Plants from Deer Damage this Winter

Winter is fast approaching…and so are the deer as they target your tasty shrubs and trees. Stop them in their tracks by using Plantskydd – a highly effective, organic repellent that works for months. Plantskydd is Swedish for ‘plant-protection’. It was first developed in Sweden to protect vast tree plantations from browsing deer, rabbits and…

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Back Off Bambi

With colder weather approaching, so are deer. Many shrubs are prime targets for voracious consumers. Some of their favored snacks are arborvitae, yew and rhododendrons. Stop them in their tracks with Plantskydd animal repellant, which is 100% guaranteed and approved by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI). Plantskydd was the first organic animal repellant to…

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Spring Garden Maintenance

Last Sunday was my first chance to putter about my gardens, enjoy the bursting new plant life, and do some spring clean-up. As I mentioned earlier, not only has my schedule been insanely busy, but spring has also been very slow to arrive in Kennebunk, Maine. Even though it was cold (in the 40’s) and…

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Here comes Peter Cottontail

Ahhhh…. Can you smell it?  Spring is in the air.  I LOVE the month of April.  The earth bursts with new life.  All my plants seem to be on steroids as they grow inches each day. I delight in tiptoeing out to my gardens early in the morning. No lawn mowers, cars, garbage trucks or…

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Jump-Start Gardens in Spring

With spring around the corner, I’m itching to get out in my gardens. Colorful flower gardening catalogs and magazines can only satisfy my gardening cravings for so long. At this time of the year I feel like a ship’s captain scanning the horizon for land – except I am searching for small green shoots. The…

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