Amazing Garden Plants Brunnera, Heptacodium and Helianthus

Brunnera ‘Queen of Hearts’ and ‘Jack of Diamonds’ Brunnera, commonly called Siberian Bugloss, is a spectacular perennial for shade gardens. ‘Jack Frost’ is probably the best known, thanks to its being awarded the 2012 Perennial of the Year. I have trialed many cultivars over the years but the most recent ‘trialees’ left me gasping! ‘Queen…

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Blue is a very calming and serene color. It is also considered a healing color that helps lower blood pressure and can reduce rapid heart rate. It is not surprising that shades of blue and blue-green are frequently used in healthcare settings. (Photo Pulmonaria ‘Blue Ensign’, courtesy of The Intercontinental Gardener) Many gardeners, including me,…

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