Superstar Perennials: Epimedium, Zizia and Thermopsis
Epimedium grandiflorum ‘Bicolor Giant’ I was giggling in delight when I purchased this drought tolerant, work horse, shade-loving perennial from Garden Vision Epimediums, one of the Gardeners Marketplace vendors at the 14th Great Gardens and Landscaping Symposium. The gorgeous flowers are large and bi-color, and the leaves are super-sized as well, making it easier to see this beauty from a distance. It gets 14” tall and is hardy in zones 4 – 9. For more about this gem and other shade loving perennials visit Garden Vision Epimendiums.
Zizia aurea Golden Alexander I love the sulfur yellow, flat-topped flowers of this spring native. I planted this cheerful perennial in my front garden several years ago. Even though sources claim it is short lived and can reseed, it has yet to show these traits in my garden. Golden Alexander grows up to 3’ in full to part sun. The foliage is an important food source for the caterpillars of Black Swallowtail butterflies. It is hardy in Zones 3 – 8.
Thermopsis chinensis ‘Sophia’ Pea Bush.
I just discovered this spring blooming beauty when I was speaking in Pontiac, Michigan last month. This native perennial is a unique relative to the lupine family. It bears soft, canary yellow flowers in early spring. It prefers full sun and grows to 12” – 18” tall in Zones 5 – 8. Once established, it is quite drought tolerant. It makes a breathtaking companion with phlox divaricata ‘Blue Moon’ or other fragrant cultivars in this species.