Stunning Recyled Bottle Rugs Now Available

Why not support the recycling movement by purchasing a rug made from 100% recycled plastic bottles and packaging?  The rugs come in a variety of colors, patterns and sizes.  The rugs don’t stain, absorb dirt or get moldy.  The woven recycled material breathes and doesn’t trap water so it dries quickly.  The color is set by state of the art conditioners and UV inhibitors so the ‘threads’ are colorfast and don’t fade.  Talk about maintenance free!  Susan Cole is the owner of Onice, a business offering thoughtful and unique gifts in Glassboro, NJ.  She typically only sells these 300backporch2withrugrugs at flower shows and craft fairs but is now offering them through Perennially Yours at localhost/pyours, until she gets her own web site up and running.  I went ga-ga over these rugs.  Check out the outdoor room I created with one on my back porch.  I cannot say enough about the rugs’ beauty and ease of care. These rugs can also be used indoors.   Below are the six styles available.  Please note the image sizes may vary but the rugs are sized as noted on the order form.  All rugs can be available in 4′ X 6′, 5′ X 7′ or 6′ X 9′ sizes.  Prices range from $49 to $115.  At this point, only checks are accepted with the order form providedClick here for the form.   

BlueandWhiteorientalgarlandrun            TealBrownOrietnalGarlandRug         TallGrassBrownPinkRug
Blue & White                    Teal & Brown            Brown & Pink
Oriental Garland               Oriental Garland        Tall Grass

CranberryWildflowerRug       PennDutchCranberryRug     PennDutchBrownBlackRug

Cranberry Wildflower        Pennsylvania Dutch     Pennsylvania Dutch
                                              Cranberry                     Brown & Black