Salix candida ‘Iceberg Alley’
Salix candida ‘Iceberg Alley’ This striking native shrub, commonly called Sageleaf Willow, has powdery, silver leaves that make it a wonderful companion plant. Silver partners so well with many colors! Can’t you just picture this ‘silver fox’ alongside threadleaf Sambucus ‘Black Lace’, or underplanted with Heuchera ‘Black Pearl’ or Black Mondo Grass (Ophiopogon p. ‘Nigrescens’)? I think purple foliage or flowers would make another sensational combo. I’ll be pairing ‘Iceberg Alley’ with dwarf purple smokebush, ‘Winecraft Black’ in my Maine garden. ‘Iceberg Alley’ blooms in the spring, displaying lovely silver catkins with contrasting red stamens. This silver beauty wants full sun, and like most willows, can handle wet areas. It typically grows between 3’- 5’ but can easily be pruned to keep it within the desired height. If pruning is needed, do this after it flowers. ‘Iceberg Alley’ is hardy in Zones 2-6. (Photo by Karen Chapman, owner of Le Jardinet Designs)