Raised wooden Garden Beds a GREAT Fundraiser

As many of you know, I have a soft heart for special needs children.  When I was pregnant with Evan, I was told there was a high likelihood he would be a Down Syndrome child.  As a result, I started doing research on these special children with the hope I might be better prepared to be a good mom.  As it turned out, Evan was not born with this syndrome, but my heart was softened for these special people.  So when Joe Carmola contacted me about The Fast Break Fund (http://www.fastbreakfund.org/), a nonprofit organization designed to enrich the lives of children and adults with special needs as well as underprivileged children in the Capital Region, I was all ears.  The Wood Products Divisions of Fast Break Fund creates superior quality raised beds made out of native, rot-resistant hemlock.  The material has no danger of toxic chemicals leaching into the soil from treated wood or railroad ties.  And what is so WAY COOL is there are no tools needed to put the beds together.  The smooth-sanded wood boards are put together like old fashioned, notched building blocks.  The boards are stacked on top of each other to the height desired and then held snugly in place with fiberglass corner pins.  The pins are pushed through holes in the corners that run through the board’s stack.  Joe actually came over to my home to show me this incredibly easy, attractive system.  I was soooo impressed.  All of the proceeds from selling these raised beds (manufactured in their state of the art manufacturing facility in Halfmoon) go directly back to the Fast Break Fund in hopes that someday The Woods Product Division will be a successful, self-sustaining small business employing adults with special needs.  For pricing, a brochure and more information about these wonderful raised beds, contact Lisa Hicks at (518) 881-1670 or email lhicks@pva.net.