Powerhouse Perennials and Outstanding Hydrangea Webinars
Geranium Azure Rush
Given the time challenges that many of us face, coupled with unpredictable weather as a result of climate change, low-maintenance, unflappable plants, are in high demand. And these stalwarts must also be attractive to both homeowners as well as pollinators.
My 2019 gardening Webinars feature some of these amazing plants. On Saturday, January 26th I’ll introduce you to Powerhouse Perennials that work hard for you….so you don’t have to. This is a brand new presentation, totally different from the Radical Perennials lecture I gave in 2017. The lecture includes perennials (many are natives, nativars or new introductions) for sun to shade, ranging in hardiness from Zones 2 to 9.
Then on Saturday, February 23rd we will take a fresh look at Hydrangeas, the most frequently googled of flowering shrubs. I’m excited to share some brand new, better-performing varieties, as well as design and care tips for maximizing their beauty (especially in colder hardiness zones). My hope is that by the end of this colorful Powerpoint, participants will have a clear understanding about the five most popular Hydrangea groups (genus) and their pruning requirements. And as a result, make smarter decisions as to which ones they should purchase for their own gardens.
Each hour long Webinar includes helpful lecture notes and a CEU form for Master Gardeners and Green Industry professionals. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT AT THE LIVE BROADCAST! A video link and password is emailed within 72 hours of the broadcast so you can watch it whenever and as often as you wish. NOTE: Webinars are licensed for individual use only and are not for group viewing.
Learn more about these Webinars and simple registration steps by clicking here.