Plantskydd Top-Rated Deer Repellent!
Push ‘em back, push ‘em back, WAY BACK! This familiar high school football cheer is my mindset about deer in the garden. With dropping leaves and temperatures come prancing deer (not reindeer) to ravage trees, shrubs and other ornamentals. And they’re not light eaters; white-tailed deer can consume between 5 and 9 pounds of food a day. THANK GOODNESS Plantskydd deer repellant is on my team! It is the strongest, most impenetrable line of defense you’ll find in the ‘deer repellent league’.
Simply use Plantskydd’s foliar spray on plants that are favorite targets and they’ll be protected from charging deer for up to six months this winter. Plantskydd will also keep squirrels and chipmunks from digging up freshly planted bulbs. Rain or snow are no match for its Plantskydd’s ability to steadfastly adhere to foliage.
And given that this is the season for giving, Plantskydd is offering Perennially Yours followers a special 10% discount on any of their incredible products! Plus there is free shipping for all orders over $55. Just head on over to their web site and start the shopping spree. At the checkout, enter this special promotional code – PyoursNov2015 – a you’ll not only save money, but also your plants from unwelcomed holiday guests. Happy holidays!