Perennializing Spring Blooming Bulbs
I hate having to repeat myself, but when it comes to digging in spring blooming bulbs each fall to replace those that fizzled away or were munched by critters, I CAN stop this expensive, repetitive madness. Now I plant long-lived, naturalizing bulbs that stick around for years.
Here are a few of my tried and true stalwarts:
Daffodils, especially miniature varieties like Minnow, Tete-a-Tete and Baby Boomer
Camassia quamash 15” tall Sun – Part Shade Z4-8
Hyacinthoides hispanica Spanish Bluebells Sun – Part Sun 12”-15” Z3-8
Fritillaria meleagris Checkered Lily Spring Sun – Part Shade 8” tall Z3-8
Leucojum ‘Gravetye Giant’ Part Sun – Part Shade 12”-20” tall Z4-8 (pictured above, Jay Yourch)
Erythronium pagoda Trout Lily Part Shade – Shade 12”-14” tall Z4-8
Species Tulips such as T. humilis Eastern Star, T. Lilliput, T. Odalisque, T. Persian Pearl and t. Violacea. Sun – Part Sun 4”-6” tall Z4-8 (pictured right, T. humilis Eastern Star)
Allium schubertii 16” tall Z5-8. Allium caesium 10”-16” tall Z 4-7
These marathon performers and other superstars are available from premier bulb companies like ColorBlends, Brent and Becky’s Bulbs and John Scheepers.
When planting spring or summer blooming bulbs, treat them to Bulb-tone (3-5-3) from Espoma to jump-start their performance for years. Bulb-tone is totally organic and contains Bio-tone®, Espoma’s proprietary blend of beneficial microbes. This nutritious supplement slowly feeds the bulbs and promotes a strong floral show. Just toss some Bulb-tone in the planting hole with the bulb and back fill with soil. Fertilize existing bulb beds by sprinkling Bulb-tone at the recommended rate on top of the soil and water in.
To read answers to ten frequently asked questions on planting spring blooming bulbs, check out Espoma’s terrific blog.
Finally, If you still can’t resist planting those large, luscious tulips that are like chocolate candy to deer, then protect them with Plantskydd, the number one rated animal repellent by commercial growers and landscapers.This exceptional repellent was just featured in Fine Gardening magazine. Plantskydd is available in both liquid and granular forms and has the Organic Materials Review Institute’s stamp of approval – a difficult to attain mark of endorsement. Order online and save 10% with a special promo code for Perennially Yours – PyoursSpring 2016 plus get free shipping on orders over $55. (right, Trout Lily)