Perennial and Flowering Shrub Collections for sale

Side_Garden_Just_Before_Tear_out_July14_2016My condominium HOA asked that I relocate one of my garden beds (GRRRRRRRRR) and as a result I have some flowering shrubs and perennials that need a new home.  I was also FINED by the association for the ‘misplacement’ of the garden bed.  The sale of these two collections will go towards the fine (double GRRRRRR).


Side_Garden_Midway_Tear_OutThe three garden shots were taken over four days.  before the tear out; midway through and the area ready for grass seed.


If you live near Kennebunk, Maine or know of friends that do and would like to buy these, please CALL FIRST to make sure they are still available  207-502-7228 and if they are, we will arrange a mutually convenient day and time for pick-up.  Thank you!

STILL AVAILABLE!!!!!  Collection Number One 6 plants for $80
Four Flowering Shrubs:
AzaleaNorthernHiLights*(Two) Azalea ’Northern Hi-Lights’ (pictured) Gorgeous FRAGRANT white flowers with cheery yellow markings; grows 5’-6’ tall, stunning fall foliage color. Zone 4 – 8. Very hardy




Hydrangea_lets_dance_diva-9997*(One) Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Let’s Dance Diva’ (pictured)  Reblooming hydrangea. Will have extra large lacecap blue or pink flowers. Grows 2’-3’tall. Zones 5-8. Sun – Part Shade

*(One) purple Smokebush ‘Royal Purple’. Sun to Part Shade. Fluffy Pink Flowers. 10’ tall but can be pruned to stay shorter. Zones 5-9.
Two Perennials

AraliaSunKingTerraNova*(One) Arial ‘Sun King’ (Pictured) Sun to Shade. MUST HAVE UNIQUE! Striking yellow foliage, cinnamon red stems. White flowers in August, blue-black berries in fall, 3’-5’ tall. Zones 3-9

*(One) Bee Balm ‘Purple Rooster’ Rich purple flowers, Highly mildew resistant. 2’-3’ tall. Hummingbirds love. Sun – Part Sun. Zones 4 – 9

SOLD! Collection Number Two – 6 three-gallon plants SOLD!
Five Flowering Shrubs:
lemony_lace_sambucus-5*(Three) Azalea ’Northern Hi-Lights’ Gorgeous FRAGRANT white flowers with cheery yellow markings; grows 5’-6’ tall, stunning fall foliage color. Zone 4 – 8. Very hardy

*(One) Sambucus (Elderberry) ‘Lemony Lace’ (pictured) Sun – Part Shade. 4’-5’ tall. Eye-Popping lacey yellow foliage. Drought tolerant. Zones 3-7

*(One) Mountain Hydrangea serrata ‘Tuff Stuff’ Reblooming hydrangea. Sun – Part Sun. 2’-3’ tall. Blue or pink lacecap flowers . Zones 5-9

One Perennial
monarda_purple_rooster_sh*(One) Bee Balm ‘Purple Rooster’ (pictured) Rich purple flowers, Highly mildew resistant. 2’-3’ tall. Hummingbirds love. Sun – Part Sun. Zones 4 – 9