New Annuals from Proven Winners

superbena_Sparkling_RubyProven Winners Superbena ‘Sparkling Ruby’  I trialed this prize-winning Superbena  in my Kennebunk gardens last summer.  It was one of the first plants that folks asked me about when touring my gardens.  ‘Sparkling Ruby’ has a neat mounded habit – 6” to 10” tall – but sports flower-laden stems that trail to 14”.  This blooming machine needed no deadheading and thrived in dry soil.  Plus the deer left it alone!  I can’t say that about the butterflies….  It performs equally well in a container or landscape.  Just locate it in full sun and stand back to enjoy the show.
verbena_Meteor_ShowerProven Winners Verbena bonariensis ‘Meteor Shower’  I’m predicting Verbena bonariensis will be showcased in almost every gardening magazine this year.  It is a workhorse plant that is irresistible to butterflies, especially monarchs.  Almost without exception, everyone who grows this charming annual raves about it. Its only downf