Louisiana Irises

Louisiana Iris  Sun.  These perennials are absolutely breathtaking!  And far too underused.  This is not surprising as Louisiana Irises are uncommon at many garden centers in the Northeast.  Thanks to MJ, this ‘curse’ has been broken.  I had the pleasure of meeting MJ while speaking at the Syracuse (NY) Flower Show last March.  MJ is a Master Gardener and passionate about these elusive beauties.  MJ embraced the challenge of growing these southern gems in a northern climate; more specifically in upstate New York just 85 miles south of the Canadian border.   From the first seven cultivars obtained in 2007, her gardens have grown to over 4000 square feet and more than 140 cultivars, plus a large number of seedlings under evaluation.  Loisiana Irises bloom around the ame time as Japanese Iris, late June and early July depending on your zone.  They are heave feeders and benefit from an application of time-released fertilizer like Plant-Tone in spring.  For an eye-popping assortment of Louisiana Irises for sale, as well as detailed planting and care instructions, visit MJ’s web site at http://www.louisianairisgardens.com/