Liquid Fence Dog and Cat Repellent

Liquid Fence Dog and Cat Repellent Okay, I agree that Fido and Fluffy can be our best friends, but when these loved ones (or other’s loved ones) start straying into the garden, emotions can flare.   Thankfully Liquid Fence has an Eco-friendly repellent that can stop these nasty habits.  Liquid Fence Dog and Cat repellent is made with natural oils and it’s biodegradeable.  Simply spray areas where you want the ‘red stop sign to appear’, and the product effectively blocks the scent markings and familiar smells that our four-legged friends find intriguing.  The product lasts a week or more and should be reapplied as needed.  Depending on how fast your pet ‘cat’ches on, you may have to initially spray more frequently.  If you want to ‘rope off’ outdoor chairs or other furniture, first spray a small section to make sure it doesn’t stain.  To learn more about this well-received product that doesn’t harm plants, visit