Happy New Year from my family to yours!

Happy New Year!  I pray you enjoyed a wondrous holiday season.  We celebrated Christmas at my sister Kim’s farm house in Kennebunk, Maine, a mere 6 miles from us.  What a change of pace from previous 5-hour, toilsome ‘sled rides’ from upstate New York.  The driving time saved provided more opportunities for fa-la-la-ing, ho-ho-ho-ing, and munch-munch-munching!  As you can see from these photos, we embrace these times together with gusto.

Hi, Ho and Ho greeted folks as they arrived in Kennebunkport Square!

Evan and Meg at a college Christmas party

Kim and me

The only sad element was that Kim’s daughter, Rachel, and her husband, Michael, were not with us.  They flew to Italy the week before where the company that Rachel  works for has its corporate headquarters. They fell in love with the region while on business trips and decided to rent an apartment in Lucca for 2015. These photos, taken shortly after they arrived, were taken in a nearby vineyard. Of course, Kim and Jeff have already planned several trips to Italy this year.  I’m working on trying to get a speaking gig there….

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