Liquid Fence Rabbit Repellent

Liquid Fence Most people think of Liquid Fence is THE premier deer and rabbit repellent. And they should! But did you know they also carry a wide variety of other natural animal repellents, as well as an extensive line of all natural insect repellents? Their entire product line is safe around pets, plants and family. Liquid Fence’s critter repellents include those for moles, snakes, goose, duck, turkey, armadillo and unwelcomed dogs and cats. Their Dual Action Rabbit Repellent is getting a lot of use, given the big jump in numbers of these nibblers. Other rabbit repellents are only scent based. Liquid Fence’s Dual Action natural product gives a one, two punch with unpleasant scent and taste. Gotcha! For intense rabbit pressure, especially from voracious baby bunnies, apply this liquid deterrent once a week for several weeks than once a month after that. For more information about Dual Action Rabbit Repellent (and other Liquid Fence products) visit