Proven Winners Superbena ‘Violet Ice’

Each monthly newsletter will now include a spotlight on one of Proven Winners award winning plants, such as Superbena ‘Violet Ice’, as well as a mystery plant for you to identify. All guesses will be submitted via a special link provided by Proven Winners. If multiple correct answers are received, then one person’s name will be drawn to receive the prize. Winners will be notified at the start of each month. The contest begins next month. Ready….Set….

Superbena ‘Violet Ice’ Stand back! This nonstop blooming annual – with no deadheading on your part – easily covers over two square feet of ground. And let me add that the soil can be dry and low in fertility. Oh My! I trialed ‘Violet ice’ last year in my garden and was flabbergasted by how it performed. I believe butterflies must have felt the same way based on how they swarmed it. ‘Violet Ice’ enjoys full sun and a dollop of slow release fertilizer (organic Plant-Tone is my pick) at planting. After that, stand back and enjoy the show through fall. Oh, and did I mention it was also deer resistant?!