Heucherella ‘Buttered Rum’
Heucherella ‘Buttered Rum’ YUMMY! This is one of my favorite Heucherellas. Heucherella is a cross between Heuchera (coral bell) and Tiarella (foamflower). The marriage has resulted in eye-popping progeny. Like many other Heucherella, ‘Buttered Rum’ does well in sun or shade. ‘Buttered Rum’ parades a rich tapestry of caramel and rusty orange leaves in spring and summer and then with the onset of cool weather, they transform to a lovely rose-red. Compared to Heucherella ‘Sweet Tea’ and ‘Brass Lantern’ (two other stunning choices), ‘Buttered Rum’ is more compact and low (7” tall and 15” wide) and doesn’t flower as heavily. It is hardy in Zones 4 – 9. (photo courtesy of Bluestone Perennials)
This fantastic plant can be a challenge to find at garden centers. Thankfully Bluestone Perennials, my very favorite mail-order company, has large, healthy specimens of ‘Buttered Rum’ available for shipping. Two weeks ago a dozen of these beauties arrived in premier condition (in 100% biodegradable plantable pots) on my front porch. I have yet to see a company package and ship plants as carefully and as well as Bluestone Perennials. And because of larger pots that are 4” deep, the roots are well established and take off quickly when planted. Bluestone Perennials offers over 1,000 perennials, flowering shrubs, bulbs, mums and ornamental grasses. And here is more great news. Right now Bluestone Perennials is offering a Fall Special featuring 20% to 50% off selected perennials and spring blooming bulbs. Giddy up!