Garden Webinar on Extreme Perennials
With the new gardening season only a few months away, it’s time to take a fresh look at your perennial gardens. Do you have freeloaders that take up a lot of space and give little back in return? How about needy plants that demand far more time than you have? Slobs are my pet peeve – messy plants that need a lot of deadheading, staking or shearing. It’s time to stop making excuses for these misfits and swap them for some exceptional plants that will have you – and pollinators – smiling.
If your answer is yes to any of the above, then please join me for my upcoming Webinar (online lecture), Powerhouse Perennials That Work Overtime So You Don’t., scheduled for Saturday, January 26 at 11:00 a.m. EST. I’ll introduce you to over 70 superstar perennials that are worth their weight in gold. There will be perennials for all light conditions and ranging in hardiness from Zones 3 to 9. The Webinar includes 4 pages of lecture notes and a CEU form for Master Gardeners and green industry professionals.
The hour long Webinar is only $12. Registrants do not need to watch the live broadcast at its scheduled date and time since a video link with personal password will be emailed within 72 hours of the broadcast to allow viewing on a 24 X 7 basis as often as desired. Please note, Webinars are for one registered individual viewing on a personal computer, not for a group of non-registered individuals viewing from a large screen projection. Click here to register.
You might also be interested in the Saturday, February 23 Webinar that features outstanding Hydrangeas and tips for growing them (especially in colder climates, zones 3 to 6). This online lecture includes 6 pages of lectures notes, a CEU form plus a superb Hydrangeas Demystified handout from Proven Winners.