Garden Design is ‘pumpkined’ out!

The Autumn issue of Garden Design is another home run! There are so many incredible features. As I leaf through the 145 page, ad-free magazine, I cannot decide which enticing article to read first. The 38-page head-turner on ‘Great American Trees’ grabs my attention. In addition to featuring breathtaking native specimens for many different hardiness zones, there is a great guide on planting and caring for trees. This is especially timely advice given fall is an ideal time for planting these long-lived heroes. (all photos by Michael Partenio)

But my stomach finally won out and I decided to launch into ‘More Than Just Jack-O’-Lanterns’. This 20-page article includes mouth-watering dishes and a link for the recipes. Also spotlighted are over twenty striking and unusual pumpkin and squash (including heirloom varieties), as well as tips on how to grow them. But the ‘icing on the pumpkin’ was the creative decorating ideas, using pumpkins and squash for centerpieces, vases, candle holders and much more.

Garden Design is rocking the gardening world with its high-quality articles, pictures, sustainable insights and fascinating range of topics. If you don’t already get this quarterly ‘bookazine’, it is time to make a gift to yourself – and to others (the holidays are approaching!) Friends of Perennially Yours get their first issue free when they subscribe. To receive this special offer, go online to or call (855) 624-5110 Monday – Friday, 8 – 5 PST.