Featured Plants -Mukdenia, Deutzia and Calibrachoa ‘Tropical Sunrise’
Mukdenia rossi ‘Karasuba’ Crimson Fans. This charming perennial draws attention spring through fall. When I first saw it at a garden center I was enthralled with the flat, fan-shaped leaves that start out green in spring and eventually morph to burgundy- red in fall. I planted it near my maple tree in upstate New York and sat back to be entertained. I wasn’t disappointed. The next spring airy white flowers shot up above the ground-hugging leaves, on leafless stems. Mukdenia appreciates part shade but can take more sun in colder climates. The more sun it gets, the brighter the fall leaf color. It is hardy in Zones 4 – 8.
Deutzia ‘Yuki Cherry Blossom’ This is the 2017 Landscape Plant of the Year. I have grown Deutzia ‘Yuki Cherry Blossom’ for two years at my home in Kennebunk, Maine with fabulous results. This easy, no-fuss shrub is drought tolerant, deer resistant and rarely, if ever needs pruning. Pink tubular flowers cover the mounded shrub in spring. The stems have a gentle arching habit and can root where they touch the ground, providing the opportunity to share pieces with friends. In fall, the foliage turns a nice purple-bronze. ‘Yuki Cherry Blossom’ likes full to part sun (will tolerate part shade in warmer zones). It grows between 12” and 24” tall and wide. It is hardy in Zones 5 – 8.
Calibrachoa ‘Tropical Sunrise’ I love superbells for their non-stop color and no-fuss attitude. I am especially drawn to cultivars with flashy colors, like the new ‘Tropical Sunrise’. It has a lovely mounded habit with stems that can trail to 18”. Like other superbells, ‘Tropical Sunrise’ enjoys full to part sun and doesn’t require any deadheading. A monthly feeding of liquid organic fertilizer like Neptune’s Harvest will pay big dividends. The only thing this beauty is picky about is wet feet. Soggy soil is its death! Be careful not to overwater containers. Also watch for outdoor containers that may become waterlogged from extensive rain. You may need to move containers under cover or, if the pot is too heavy, fashion some sort of temporary umbrella.