Clematis are a popular choice for adding vertical interest to a landscape. There are so many stunning flower colors, shapes and sizes to choose from.  You can find varieties that bloom in early spring, while others don’t start flowering until August. The majority of Clematis have green leaves but there are also knockouts with gold or chocolate-black foliage. Some flowers have a heavenly fragrance, others none at all.  Most Clematis enjoy full to part sun (with their roots shaded by other plants or mulch), yet there are some beauties that can perform in shadier spots. (pictured is the rare Clematis ‘Mrs. Yuki’, that has stunning 5″ wine-red flowers on 4′-6′ stems. Hardy to Zone 4)

Brushwood Nursery, a highly acclaimed mail-order company that specializes in Clematis, offers a HUGE collection of Clematis (including natives) that will make your jaw drop! All plants are shipped (FOR FREE) in true one gallon pots. Most of these magnificent specimens are three-years old. In addition to Clematis, they also sell other exceptional flowering vines. Clematis ‘Mrs. Yuki’ is one of these treasures! Their web site has a great planting guide as well as other resources. (Photo of Clematis triternata ‘Rubromarginata’. A fragrant midsummer to fall bloomer for Zones 4-11)

But don’t take my word for it – visit their web site and see for yourself. Don’t miss Allan Armitage’s video on the About Our Plants page.