American Meadows at Your Service
Last fall I was helping a client design a spacious garden for her amazing property. The garden bed had been prepped earlier that year. I stopped in my tracks when I saw a grand display of colorful annuals and a swarm of butterflies and other pollinators dancing above the flowers. Juliet explained that she had planted the Spring into Summer annual mix from American Meadows. She was very pleased with the results – and I could see why! The garden was minimal maintenance, provided boundless pleasure for her and pollinators, plus she loved cutting the flowers for indoor arrangements.
American Meadows offers an extensive selection of wildflower seed mixes, not only for specific regions (e.g., the Northeast, Midwest), but also by purpose/function (e.g., Good for Shady Areas; Attract Pollinators; Lawn Replacement; Native and Rare). They also sell individual seed packets.
But don’t make the wrong assumption that American Meadows is only a premiere wildflower seed company! They also sell a dazzling collection of perennials, many of which are natives. You can search by color, height, season of bloom, and more. Some of the more unusual choices include Prairie Blazing Star (Liatris pycnostachya, native, The Xerces Society designated this plant as having special value to native bees); Dwarf Blue Baptisia (Baptisia australis var minor, native, I grew this gem for years in Upstate NY), and Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium, native, a must for my garden this year! Photo American Meadows)
And when you are noodling around their site, don’t miss their How-to Tool Shed page that is packed with How-To articles from how to plant bare root and potted perennials to how to grow a woodland flower garden.
To learn more and start creating your own shopping list, click on American Meadows.