Holy Moly!  A cascading Hydrangea?  Yup.  ‘Fairytrail Bride’ is a new Hydrangea hybrid with a horizontal growth habit and trialing stems that are adorned with white lacy flowers through the summer.  It would make a spectacular display in a container or cascading over a retaining wall – or frankly ANYWHERE! ‘Fairytrial Bride’ gets 4’ tall and 4’ wide.  It does best in full or part sun.  I am looking forward to trialing this unusual, eye-catching Hydrangea this year.  Since it is only hardy to Zone 7 (I garden in Zone 5), I will be growing it in a container and overwintering it in my unheated garage.   I’m hopeful it will survive a Maine winter with this ‘coddling’.  I know it may be a long shot BUT I am the perennial optimist.