I Love Working at Estabrook’s Garden Center
I LOVE working at Estabrook’s Garden Center and Nursery, a crème-de-la-crème nursery. The plant inventory is huge, with many cool, unusual choices – plus I have the opportunity to make recommendations. I work with an exceptional staff – a team of can-do, hardworking people with terrific personalities. It’s also fun interacting daily with countless gardeners, helping them with plant recommendations, garden designs and problem solving. If you are in the Kennebunk area, please stop in and see me, but call first (207-985-3772) to make sure I am working that day.
Due to my new full time, year-round position at Estabrook’s, however, and the work I continue to do for my business, Perennially Yours – lecturing; writing monthly newsletters and blogs; hosting national Webinars, and organizing the Great Gardens and landscaping Symposium – I can no longer respond to gardening questions via email or phone. With over 16,000 newsletter subscribers, plus thousands I see at speaking engagements each year, those ‘simple quick questions’ quickly add up and become overwhelming. Please direct future gardening questions to your local garden center or Master Gardeners Extension Office. Thank you for understanding.