14th Great Gardens and Landscaping Symposium is filling up
Tick Tock…… The Great Gardens and Landscaping Symposium, a premier, highly popular program, is only 2.5 months away. The 14th symposium will be held at the four-star Woodstock Inn and Resort in Woodstock, Vermont on Saturday, April 21. Gardeners are registering from all over the Northeast, and as far as Washington, Ottawa and Nova Scotia. The day is packed with five inspirational lectures, gourmet food, the popular Gardeners Marketplace featuring a range of interesting vendors, many door prizes, handouts and a garden gift for everyone. A special symposium room rate of only $169 (single or double) is available at this luxurious resort while inventory lasts. As of this newsletter, the symposium is almost 2/3 full.
There is a special Pre-Symposium program on Friday afternoon from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. This is separate from the full day event. I will be presenting two lectures: Save the Pollinators: “Attractive” Landscapes for Pollinators and Homeowners! and An Inspirational Stroll Through Magnificent Public and Private Gardens – Fabulous Plants and Design Ideas. Registration is $55 per person and includes numerous handouts and catalogs, a delicious refreshment break, door prizes and a garden gift.
To learn more about this exceptional event that sells out each year, click here.