Neonic Free – Proven Winners Plants at Walters Gardens
I just returned from speaking at Walters Gardens located near Grand Rapids. What a mind-blowing experience! Walters Gardens is one of the largest wholesale growers of perennials in the United States. Proven Winners partners with Walters to grow many of their premier perennials. Not only are these plants huge and healthy, they are also neonic free! Walter’s made the decision to stop using neonictinoids in 2014. BRAVO! (photo of one field of Salvia).
While at the nursery, we toured fields of lush perennials including the MAGIC SHOW series Veronica; the COLOR SPIRES series of Salvia, phlox (‘Glamour Girl’ was by far the showiest!), Hosta and daylilies. In addition to growing perennials, Walter’s also conducts plant research and breeding programs. One of Proven Winners new introductions is Heuchera PRIMO ‘Black Pearl’, a vast improvement over Heuchera ‘Obsidian’. I’ll let the photo I took speak for itself (‘Obsidian’ is on the left; PRIMO ‘Black Pearl’ on the right).
The Hibiscus were in peak bloom, creating a traffic-stopping display. A few of the most noticeable were SUMMERIFIC ‘Perfect Storm; ‘Midnight Marvel’ and SUMMERIFIC ‘Cranberry Crush’.
Walters hosts one of the most informative web sites for providing information on over 2,000 perennials. Check it out at