2016 Great Gardens Symposium a Huge Success
Last month’s Great Gardens and Landscaping Symposium, hosted at The Woodstock Inn and Resort, was hailed the best yet by many returning attendees. The event sold out 2.5 months before it even started with 225 attendees from nine states. Joseph Tychonievich, Kim Eierman, Benjamin Pauly and myself all received high marks for energizing, engaging and inspiring presentations. (It was a gorgeous day which encouraged many attendees to enjoy lunch outside)
The Woodstock Inn received gold star reviews, and this premier symposium, hosted at a world-class resort, would not be possible without the supplemental financial support of its exceptional sponsors:The American Horticultural Society; Broken Arrow Nursery; Coast of Maine Organic Products for Healthy Plants; Corona Tools; Espoma Organic Products; Garden Design magazine; Gardener’s Supply Company; Neptune’s Harvest Organic Fertilizer; Plantskydd Animal Repellent; Proven Winners; The Garden Conservancy’s Open Days Program and White Flower Farm
2017 Great Gardens and Landscaping Symposium
In light of such impressive accolades (plus the $2.5 million renovation has been completed), the Great Gardens and Landscaping Symposium will return to the Woodstock Inn and Resort for its 13th year. Next year’s date is Saturday, April 22, 2017. I will once again lead a special flower gardening class (theme to be determined) on Friday afternoon, April 21. New to the program will be a Friday evening welcome reception from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
The featured speakers and topics, as well as the symposium registration fee and special room rates at the Woodstock Inn, will be announced in a future newsletter. Stay tuned and register early!