This is a “must read” for everyone who has registered for a Webinar.
We are very glad you decided to join our Webinar and we are deeply committed to making this experience a valuable learning opportunity as well as a trouble-free one as it pertains to dealing with the necessary technology. Please take the time to read all the material that follows carefully and completely. We are confident that you will find it helpful.
Helpful Steps for Stress Free Webinar Viewing on the GoToWebinar Platform
1) Test your computer and internet compatibility for the Webinar
- Restart your computer
- Make sure your internet is connected after restarting
- Open your internet browser; copy and paste the address that follows to check your system compatibility: or click here
- You should receive this type of response:
GoToWebinar Attendee System Check for Classic Webinars
Looks good! You can join a webinar
- If you do not get this message, click here for support:
2) Do this the morning of the Webinar
- Click on your email invitation from GoToWebinar reminding you that webinar is today
- Click the green rectangle on that email that says Join Webinar
- You will be directed to the webinar starting page
- If you need more help, visit or click here. This will take you to GoToWebinar’s Attendee Guide for Joining Classic Webinars. Scroll down to ‘Join the Webinar’.
3) Setting up the Audio for attending the Webinar either on your computer or phone
- On the same web page noted above (GoToWebinar’s Attendee Guide for Joining Classic Webinars), scroll down to ‘Set-up Audio’.
4) Watching the live Webinar broadcast
• On the same web page noted above (GoToWebinar’s Attendee Guide for Joining Classic Webinars), scroll down to ‘Watch the Webinar’. This section includes answers to the following commonly asked questions:
-Why can't anyone hear me?
-Why can I hear audio but not see the presentation?
-Why can I see the presentation but not hear the audio?
5) Asking Questions during the Webinar
Go to the QUESTION section in your GoToWebinar screen menu and type in your questions. Answers will be emailed to EVERYONE within 72 hours of the Webinar.
Note Questions must be DIRECTLY RELATED to the material being presented in this lecture. Unrelated questions may be submitted to your local University Extension office (i.e. Master Gardeners) or a trusted nursery/garden center. Kerry Ann will not be able to answer any questions that fall outside the scope of the webinar you are attending.
Please Note: The webinar organizer’s phone and email are unavailable one hour before and one hour after the presentation, as we will be broadcasting the event.
Watching the Video Replay
Within 72 hours of the live webinar, you will receive an email containing a LINK and PASSWORD to the recording of the Webinar. This code is for your use only. IF you do not see the replay email in your inbox, please check your spam or promotions email files.
Note (1): The replay code is CASE SENSITIVE. Please be sure to use either capital or lowercase letters, as indicated.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Webinar Free?
The Webinar is a privately produced (by Kerry Ann Mendez), fee-based, online gardening education resource licensed for individual use (not groups) that requires a nominal payment in advance to register and receive the link to join the live broadcast as well as to receive the link to replay the broadcast.
What if I cannot attend the broadcast on the scheduled date and time?
Within 72 hours (or sooner) of the scheduled Webinar date and time, you will receive an email with a link and a special password so you can view the broadcast any time at your convenience, as often as you want, in part or in its entirety. This password is unique to you and may not be shared with anyone, either registered or unregistered.
Can I view the Webinar with a group?
Our webinars are designed for personal education only. They are licensed for viewing by the individual who registered to receive them on their personal computer device and may not be projected and viewed by non-registrants.
Can the replay link for each registrant be forwarded and/or shared with a non-registered individual?
The replay link is exclusive for each registrant and cannot be forwarded or shared with non-registrants.
Can the presentation be filmed from the computer screen of the registrant and made available (audio and/or video) to other individuals and/or groups?
Every screen and every handout is copyright protected and may not be made available in any form to anyone not registered.
Can I purchase past Webinars?
Absolutely! Please click here.
When you say “International Webinars”, what do you mean?
We have registrants from many foreign countries including Canada, England, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, Germany, South Korea, and Russia.